Saturday, March 25, 2006

Showing off...lines

After some time is spent taking pictures, you begin to notice that the first things that catches your eye are -lines-. Power lines, lines on the road, building lines, lines on your cat- you take pictures of the ground just because you see parallel lines in it. It can be quite an obsession.

A new thread Showing off...lines showcases the best of the best. Many of these pictures could belong in other threads too, but they were placed here because they focused on one thing =lines=.

-- from Photophool - (?)

-- from AnomalousNYC - (?)

There are many more in the Showing off...lines thread, post your favorites there now!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Showing off...places you'd like to visit

An interesting thread started by waiting line showing off "places you'd like to visit" has both piqued my interest in some new travel destinations and started me thinking about travelling.

Easter Island (posted by waiting line) would be cool:

-- from SPQR_BG - (?)

as would Tibet (posted by getthebubbles):

-- from xpdmike - (?)

Where would you like to visit? Post pictures of places taken by others in this thread!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Showing off...Creepy!

I often come across pictures that are creepy or scary, like this one:

-- from slight clutter - (?)

and now I have a place to show them off in Faria's thread for creepy photos.
This one is the creepiest to me!

-- from tEdGuY49 - (?)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Showing off...animal attitude

MsEli started a thread to showcase animals with lots of 'tude, like this duck below:

-- from 45street

I am looking forward to seeing more animals with attitudes, which will be posted in this thread.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Showing first favorite

OR ALTERNATIVELY TITLED: What brought me to Flickr.

The inspiration for the Showing off for others group was the first two pictures I ever favorited on Flickr. I was tired of all the self promotion, and instead wanted to promote two photographers and two pictures that I loved, and wanted other people to see.

This is the picture that I first deemed "my favorite":

-- from wongwong - (?)

This picture drew me into flickr and I loved it!

But, this picture, the second picture I favorited, was the one that made me sign up for Flickr, shell out cash for a better camera, and start posting pictures.

-- from helveticaneue - (?)

Thank you to these two photographers for inspiring me.

So who was your first ;)?

Please post only your first or second fav here.

Join Flickr or Showoff for others group.